I couldn’t agree more Alistair. I posed a similar question last fall for customers up to a certain size (on an island, our base is in the 20–500 user environments for the most part, often under-served). Here’s my deck from that: https://www.beautiful.ai/player/-LwLwT-v4TBNvT8G5R3C
That’s also why we recently renamed our “Masthead” (SharePoint Global Nav) tool to “Navo” … because we have a Teams app coming, Google (And Edge Chromium Extension) coming and a standalone app so you Global Nav (the most important part of an Intranet … or rather, our “Floating Intranet”) is finding what you are looking for … whether that is an app, a page, a list, a process, whatever. I’d be happy to give you a personal tour — I think we’d agree on a number of things :) https://getnavo.com for more. Teams and Chrome approvals are just waiting to go live, can’t wait.