Unlocking Your Inner Healing: Why Investigating Your Chiron Return and Genetic Trauma in Human Design Before Age 50 Could Lead to a Happier and Longer Life


If you’re unfamiliar with astrology, you may be wondering what a Chiron Return is. In astrology, Chiron is known as the “wounded healer” and represents the areas in our lives where we have experienced pain and struggle, as well as our ability to heal and help others through their own challenges. A Chiron Return occurs when Chiron returns to the same position in the sky as it was when you were born, which happens around age 50.

So, why should you investigate your Chiron Return information before the age of 50? There are several reasons why doing so could help you live a happier and longer life.

First and foremost, gaining insight into your Chiron Return can help you identify areas in your life where you may need to focus on healing and personal growth. By understanding the themes and issues associated with your Chiron placement, you can take proactive steps to address any underlying emotional wounds and make positive changes that will benefit your physical, emotional, and mental health.

For example, if your Chiron is in the sign of Aries, you may have struggled with issues related to assertiveness and self-confidence throughout your life. By becoming aware of this, you can take steps to improve these areas, such as seeking out therapy or working on assertiveness exercises, which can lead to increased happiness and a better quality of life overall.

Additionally, gaining an understanding of your Chiron placement can also help you navigate major life transitions that typically occur around the age of 50, such as menopause, retirement, or the empty nest phase. These transitions can be challenging, but with knowledge of your Chiron placement and associated themes, you can approach them with greater clarity and intention.

Finally, investigating your Chiron Return information before the age of 50 can also help you cultivate a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. By understanding the areas where you have the potential to heal and help others, you can focus on ways to use your unique talents and gifts to make a positive impact in the world. This sense of purpose and fulfillment can contribute to greater happiness and overall well-being.

In conclusion, investigating your Chiron Return information before the age of 50 can be a valuable tool for living a happier and longer life. By gaining insight into your areas of potential struggle and focusing on healing and personal growth, you can navigate major life transitions with greater ease and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment that contributes to a more meaningful and satisfying life.

Don’t forget your genetic trauma!

In addition to investigating your Chiron Return information, another aspect of your astrological makeup that can play a significant role in your healing and personal growth is your Human Design chart. Within the Human Design system, one of the most significant subconscious influences is the placement of Mars, which is associated with our genetic trauma.

Mars represents our drive, motivation, and willpower, and when it is in our subconscious, it can create deep-seated patterns and conditioning that we may not even be aware of. Understanding the placement of Mars in your Human Design chart can help you uncover these hidden patterns and begin to work on healing the underlying genetic trauma that may be holding you back in life.

For example, if Mars is in your Human Design’s Gate 29, which is associated with the theme of “commitment,” you may have a subconscious fear of commitment or difficulty following through on your goals. By becoming aware of this pattern, you can begin to work on healing the underlying trauma that is causing this blockage and cultivate a greater sense of commitment and follow-through in your life.

Incorporating knowledge of your Human Design and the placement of Mars into your healing journey can be a powerful tool for understanding yourself on a deeper level and making positive changes in your life. By addressing and healing the genetic trauma that is holding you back, you can experience greater happiness, fulfillment, and overall well-being.

